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No song posting for now. Sorry to disappoint you, my 4 loyal readers 🙂 but thanks for reading!

I need to be a better blogger….I go way to long without posting. So maybe smaller posts will be easier.

Getting stuff done and learning more about myself everyday.  I have learned that I have great willpower, which has surprised me.  I quit smoking in December, so this month is 6 months.  I quit smoking before, when I was pregnant, and many other times for weeks or months at a time.  But I have done it this time, and cannot imagine going to back to it.  I gave gained about 10 pounds from that, and I gained about 10 after age 30, and then 10 extra pounds that never came off after Samantha was born.  So I really need to lose 30 to 40 lbs.  I started a hard core diet last monday, and have stuck to it.  Very proud of that.  The diet recomends no alcohol, as most diets do, and I stuck to that too, which is tough in summer when a cold beer in the back yard seems like the best thing ever.  I have also stuck to my walking routines, and doing yoga.  My husband told me on Sunday how awesome I was, and how I really have changed my life.  I feel awesome, and I have changed.  I really have a different mind set now, and I am not sure exactly how I got here, but I do know that less stress and frustrations has made a difference, and staying focused, the best I could, throughout the last several months.  And what I mean by staying focused is being able to fall down, and then get back up, right away.  Some times during a day, or for a whole day, I will feel bad about something, get discouraged, about whatever, but I am able to limit those times now.  My 16 year old is giving me real trouble lately, and that sucks, especially when he does it just when the wind in move my sails along nicely, and then WAM! he runs away, and I have to literally chase him in my van, and then on foot to try and talk to him.  I had to call the police last night.  He is home now, which I figured he would eventually come home, but its painful to go through this, even though I know its very common with teenagers.  But his horrible behavior is not “on my agenda”.  HA! So I try and keep it in perspective and know that I am in the best place in my life, of my life, right now, and this makes me better equipped to deal.

Going to stop now, as I have more, but then I can save it for later….sooner not later though.  Hugs.

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